A priest decided to play a round of golf one Sunday, after he had given the mass. He was standing halfway down the first fairway, waiting to take his second […]
The Best Funny fairway
If you are in the mood for a truly terrible golf joke, we have one here for you. This is a story about the man and the frog. We hope […]
Father O’Donnell woke up Sunday morning to find that the weather was absolutely perfect for a round of golf and he desperately relished the thought of just being out there […]
The novice golfer hit a wicked slice off the tee at the first hole. It shot up in the air, ricocheted through the trees and onto the next fairway, narrowly […]
A golfer was being rather careless one day when driving between holes and ended up with an overturned golf cart. A rather gorgeous woman, who lived in a villa along […]
A nun was in confession with her Mother Superior and they were discussing swearing and bad language. “I used some horrible language this week and feel absolutely terrible about it”, […]
Golf is a mystery to a lot of people and it certainly was a total mystery to Bob’s wife. She never could understand why Bob insisted on tiring himself out […]
Fred was playing a round of golf and ready to hit his ball off the sixth tee. Now the sixth hole needed quite a bit of skill, because the fairway […]
Toward the end of his game of golf, round about about halfway along the 17th fairway, Harry somehow managed to hit his ball into the woods, as you do sometimes. […]