So Bob went out and got drunk one night and I’m not quite sure how it happened but somehow Bob bought a fox home with him. Before you start thinking […]
The Best Funny Drunk Jokes
I guess enough of us men can identify with the following story, especially if we have ever struggled on the dating scene and been too shy to talk to a […]
There is a strange legend that I have heard told about the cemetery where Mozart was buried. After the great compiser Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart passed away, he was buried in […]
Father O’Reilly and Father Nolan were two Catholic priests assigned to a church in a small rural town in Ireland. Father O’Reilly went to see Father Nolan one afternoon and […]
Late one night, a woman who was totally naked and obviously very drunk, jumped into a New York City taxi. The cab driver, who was an old Jewish gentleman, opened […]
Have you heard about the Five Stages of Drunkenness? We all know that as you drink you get drunk and the more drunk you get, the stranger your actions become. […]
A drunk man was in the court room and brought before the judge. Just before the court case was about to start, there was a loud commotion from up in […]
So, there were these three men, sitting at a bar, arguing as to which one had the ugliest wife. Yes I know, it’s one of those male chauvenist jokes ladies, […]
A man was not paying attention while he was driving down the road, when the car he was driving skidded on the grass at the side of the road, ending […]
A very drunken man got on a London bus late one night. He staggered up the aisle and sat down next to an elderly woman. She looked the man up […]
Two old Irishmen were in their local pub one night and had both downed quite a few pints of Guinness. It was pretty obvious to look at the pair of […]
Murphy came home one night drunk as a skunk, only to find his angry wife standing at the front door waiting for him. When I say she was angry, she […]