The Best Funny Drinking Jokes

17 posts

People drink, people get drunk, people do stupid things as a result. Isn’t it any wonder that there are so many drinking jokes. Welcome to our collection of drinking jokes, we hope you enjoy them and please do share our posts with your friends.

Jameson Irish Whisky. Image used under a Collective Commons License from

A Little Irish Poem

Here’s a little Irish poem that has a certain truth to it. There are many good reasons for drinking,One has just entered my head.If a man doesn’t drink when he’s […]

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Traffic Officer

A traffic officer pulled a man over for speeding. He stopped his patrol car behind that of the man, got out of the car, walked up to the window and […]

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Drinking Alcohol At Work

We all know that drinking alcohol at work is pretty much forbidden everywhere these days, but back in the day you used to be able to drink at work, or […]

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French Policeman

One evening, a French policeman pulled over and stopped a car that had English license plates. He got out, walked up to the window, which the Englishman politely wound down […]

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Three Pints Of Guinness

An Irishman who looked like he was getting on a bit in years walked into a pub in Dublin, where he ordered three pints of Guinness. He then sat at […]

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The Demon Drink

Ah the demon drink, the root of all evil, or so the church would have you believe. A Catholic priest in Ireland was giving one of his parishioners his usual […]

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Murphy Does Some Deep Thinking

Stop me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I have told you about the time Murphy does some deep thinking. So, one day Murphy, our stereotypical Irishman who is […]

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Monkey Signs

Monkey signs. This is an amazing story about a monkey who could communicate by sign language. Well, it’s not exactly amazing, it’s just a joke, but a monkey communicating by […]

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Rednecks Drinking And Driving

Two rednecks, Bubba and Earl, were driving down the road drinking a couple of bottles of beer after a few hours at their local watering hole. Bubam who was the […]

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Partying With The Boys

Terry left work one Friday afternoon, but with it being payday, instead of going home, he stayed out the whole weekend partying with the boys, and spending his entire paycheck […]

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Irish Drinking Buddies

Patrick and Michael were a couple of Irishmen who had been drinking buddies and friends for years. One night, after having a few drinks in a bar, Michael said to […]