The Best Funny court

22 posts

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Divorce Court

Marjorie stood up before the judge in the divorce court. Judge: “You have asked for a divorce decree from this court. Madam, is that right?” Marjorie: “Yes Your Honor”. Judge: […]

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Judge And Juror

When the court case was about to begin, the Judge asked one of the Jurors “Is there any reason you could not serve as a juror in this case?” The […]

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Traffic Court

At a recent case in the traffic court, a man who had received an expensive parking ticket, testified to the court that a uniformed police officer had told him that […]

Disorder In The American Courts: Available from Amazon

How Do Court Reporters Keep Straight Faces?

Sometimes I wonder, just how do court reporters keep straight faces when witnesses say the most bizarre things. These quotes are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts […]

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Irish Courthouse

This is the scene one day in an Irish courthouse, during a murder case. The judge says to a double-homicide defendant, “Sean O’Flaherty, you are charged with beating your wife […]

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The Redneck Juror

I guess the last thing you want if you are on trial for murder is to have a redneck juror. A man was on trial for murder in Tennessee and […]

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Marriage Problems

A husband and wife were having marriage problems and decided to end their union after what had been only a very short time together. After a most brief attempt to […]

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The Giant Panda In New York

Chow-Chow the giant panda was placed on trial for entering a New York City restaurant, eating dinner, pulling out a machine gun, and shooting out the windows and doors. In […]

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The Pumpkin Patch

You might think of a pumpkin patch as a rather innocent place where people take their children to look at the pumpkins of all different shapes and sizes, to take […]

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Where Were You?

Murphy was summoned to court to appear as a witness in a lawsuit. The prosecutor opened his questioning of the witness with, “Where were you the night of August 24th?” […]