Michael and Seamus were out walking in town and went into a bakery, where Michael snuck three cookies into his pocket with lightning speed. Fortunately for Michael, the baker didn’t […]
The Best Funny Cookie Jokes
One lunchtime, the children were all lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school. At the head of the food counter was a large wicker basket that was […]
We received so many Funny Christmas Pictures in 2020 that our existing Funny Christmas Picture pages were becoming rather full. So, to make it easier for you to find our […]
Helen was returning from a trip to visit her grandmother in Canada. She was driving down the highway when she was stopped by a state trooper in New York for […]
Little Johnny’s mother shouted up the stairs at him, “Johnny! Come downstairs please!” There was no answer from Johnny’s bedroom, so she shouted out again, “JOHNNY! There were two cookies […]
Susan had been feeling poorly with the flu earlier in the month and had sent her husband out shopping for groceries at her local natural foods store. Susan had given […]
The weekend assignment for the class had been for the students to sell something, then to give a talk on productive salesmanship. As the children walked back into their classroom […]
A man was observing a woman who was grocery shopping in the local supermarket with a three year old girl in her shopping cart. As they passed the cookie section, […]
An elderly man lay dying in his bed, when he suddenly was broken out of his death rattle of a slumber as he smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate […]
Why Men Shouldn’t Bake Cookies