Gladys Dunn recently moved into a retirement community in a small town out West. One beautiful sunny Sunday morning, she walked down the street to a church that was not […]
The Best Funny Congregation Jokes
Father O’Reilly, the parish priest of a small church in the Chicago suburbs, received a call from the IRS. He answered the phone and the person at the other end […]
Father Murphy was being honoured with a retirement dinner, after 25 years service in the parish. A leading local politician who was a member of the congregation, was chosen to […]
A minister was completing a Temperance sermon, telling the congregation at the church service in no uncertain terms all about the demon drink. With great emphasis, he called out to […]
One Sunday morning, Ellen took a friend of hers, who was blind to church with her. While they were waiting for the Sunday service to begin, there were several children […]
There was an old priest from a church in County Cork in the south of Ireland who enjoyed a drink of liquor now and then, but his real passion was […]
Years ago in Ireland, there was a very anti British Catholic priest, who would let it be known in no uncertain terms exactly how he felt about the Brtish and […]
The subject of the preacher’s Sunday sermon was “Forgive Your Enemies”. After a lengthy presentation, he asked the congregation how many of them were willing to forgive their enemies. About […]
One Sunday morning there was a young boy fidgeting in church during the morning service. He was continually twitching and making noises, much to the annoyance of his parents, who […]
The parish congregation were celebrating the 100th anniversary of their church and the bishop as well as several former pastors were there at the church as part of the celebration […]
I guess that this may come as a surprise to those of you who don’t live in Las Vegas, but surprisingly enough, there are actually more catholic churches in Las […]
An elderly priest was talking to his young assistant one day about his revolutionary ideas for trying to get more people to come to church on Sunday. The elderly priest […]