A farmer’s wife was at her lawyer’s, seeking advice about getting a divorce. The lawyer asked her why she wanted to get a divorce, so the farmer’s wife replied, “My […]
The Best Funny Chicken Jokes
Did you hear about the three hens? The first hen was normal. The second hen was dyslexic. The third was a nymphomaniac. Every morning, when the hens woke up, they […]
Did you hear the story of the Irishman, the Englishman and the egg? An Irishman kept a chicken and every morning he would look in his garden and pick up […]
An attractive young woman walked into an accountant’s office and said to him “I need help to file my taxes”. The accountant said to her, “Well madam, before we begin, […]
A rooster was strutting around the farmyard one Easter morning in a typical arrogant manner as roosters do. He walked into the hen house and to his surprise he came […]
This is for everyone out there who are kitchen challenged and don’t have a clue about cooking or food preparation. It’s called Cooking For Dummies! Some people make fine chefs […]
I got into trouble at school today. Our class teacher asked me what my favorite animal was and I said, “Fried Chicken”. She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t […]
My brother thinks he is a chicken! Here’s a silly chicken joke to start the day off. Have a fantastic fun filled day everyone. Two men men go to see […]
Murphy was getting more than a little peeved with the frequent visits that his wife was getting from her two nephews, who were both Jesuit priests. She had got into […]
A couple decided to go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant. They studied the menu and ordered the “Chicken Surprise” which sounded like a rather interesting dish. About twenty […]
Murphy’s son Finan was returning from the local market, carrying a crate of chickens his father had entrusted to him. All of a sudden, the crate fell to the ground, […]
A mouse looked through the crack in the farmhouse wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package that was on the kitchen table. “What delicious food might […]