The Best Funny Male Chauvinist

2 posts

A male chauvinist is a  a man who believes that women are naturally less important, intelligent, or able than men, and so does not treat men and women equally (source:–chauvinist).

Whoever you are, I am sure you have come across at least a few of these unpleasant types in your life.

Here are a few jokes about male chauvenists for you to enjoy.


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Male Chauvinist / Role Reversal

Jenny was married to a Charlie who was a real male chauvinist. They both worked full time, but he never did anything around the house and certainly never did any […]

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Male Chauvinist Quotes

This is a list of male chauvinist quotes, a whole lot of anti-women jokes. Please ladies, before you get offended by these, we didn’t intend to offend anyone, just look […]