The Best Funny caddie

5 posts

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Another Caddie

A man goes to his golf club to play a round of golf and finding that his regular caddie isn’t going to be working that day, he decides to hire […]

Bad Day At The Golf Course

Donald was having a really bad day on the golf course. It seemed lately that he was having more and more of those days, often coinciding with when he was […]

The Arrogant Golfer

An arrogant businessman had already had a bad day when he started his round of golf and soon turned into an arrogant and bad tempered golfer. After hitting his tee […]

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Stevie Wonder And Tiger Woods

So Stevie Wonder and Tiger Woods were in a bar. Yes I know and yes this is going to be one of those terrible golf jokes, but stay with us, […]

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The Scotsman’s Caddie

This is a good golfing story about the Scotsman’s caddie, one of those stories about how Scotsmen are typically tight with their money. One day, the weather looking fine, a […]