The Best Funny Blind Jokes

7 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from is our collection of blind jokes and although being blind or visually impaired is no laughing matter, there are lots of really funny blind jokes and we thought it would be a shame to not include them on our site.

If you are blind or visually impaired, we hope you don’t take offense at our blind jokes and hope you get a good laugh out of them.

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Blind Woman

Murphy was walking along the High Street in Killarney when he came to a blind woman using a cane who was standing on a street corner. As he was about […]

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Braille Bible

One Sunday morning, Ellen took a friend of hers, who was blind to church with her. While they were waiting for the Sunday service to begin, there were several children […]

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Stevie Wonder And Tiger Woods

So Stevie Wonder and Tiger Woods were in a bar. Yes I know and yes this is going to be one of those terrible golf jokes, but stay with us, […]

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Blind Man In A Bar

There was a blind man in a bar, sitting on a stool drinking and he had clearly had quite a few beers already. He shouted out to the bartender, “Hey, […]

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Wise Blind Elephants

Six wise, blind elephants were standing by their favourite watering hole one day, discussing what humans were like. They almost always failed to agree with each other in any way […]

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Walking Their Dogs

Murphy and Seamus ran into each other while they were out walking their dogs. Murphy suggested that they go for a bit of lunch. Seamus replied, “They won’t let us […]

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The Bunny And The Snake

Once upon a time (allegedly) in a nice little forest, there lived an orphaned bunny and an orphaned snake. By a surprising coincidence, both were blind from birth. One day, […]