The Best Funny Bishop Jokes

6 posts

The Bishop, one of the most senior clergymen in the Christian church, and the topic of many jokes over the years.

A big thank you to all those bishops who have been on the receiving end of bishop jokes. An even bigger thank you to those of you who have laughed at them.

We hope you enjoy this selection of funny bishop jokes. if you do, please share our posts to help spread some smiles around.

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The Bishop And Ann O’Rourke

The Bishop and Ann O’Rourke is a wonderfully funny poem written by Reverend Andrew Neaum that we thought would be perfect for our Irish Jokes category. You can read more […]

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A Church In Alaska

Once upon a time a priest was given a new post at a church in Alaska. After a couple of years, the bishop went to visit him to see how […]

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The Bishop

The parish congregation were celebrating the 100th anniversary of their church and the bishop as well as several former pastors were there at the church as part of the celebration […]

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The Young Priest

The young priest got up in the morning and went to breakfast. On his way there, he passed two nuns and he said to them, “Good morning sisters”. The two […]

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May The Lord Be With You

In the Anglican church, each service begins with a greeting. The officiating clergyman says, “May the Lord be with you” and the congregation used to respond by saying, “And with […]

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The Bells Of Notre Dame

This is a story about the bells of Notre Dame, the great cathedral in Paris that was made famous throughout the world by being featured in the novel The Hunchback […]