Back in the days of the old Wild West, a writer of cowboy stories arrived in a small Western town on the stagecoach. He booked a room at the only […]
The Best Funny bear
A man went on a visit to the Memphis zoo and was admiring a bear that was fast asleep in it’s enclosure. “What kind of bear is that sleeping in […]
One day, a hungry bear was sitting on the side of a river bank, watching a fish jumping out of the water trying to catch a fly. The bear thought […]
One lovely sunny morning in the big forest, the Bear family is just waking up. The warmth of the sun shining through their bedroom windows has been strong enough to […]
Frank was really excited because he had purchased a new rifle and decided to try his luck at bear hunting. So, he traveled up to Alaska, went out into the […]
The pastor and the bear is a story that echoes from northern Maine about a pastor who decided to skip his church services one Sunday because he wanted to go […]
This is a short story to just show that preaching isn’t really all that hard. A Catholic priest, a Pentecostal preacher and a Rabbi all served as chaplains to the […]