Three mice were sitting in a bar, drinking and bragging about how tough they were. The first mouse downed a shot of tequila and said, “I play with mousetraps for […]
The Best Funny Bar Jokes
A pirate went into a bar with a wheel on his crotch. The customers all stared at him, but were afraid to say anything, after all he was a pirate […]
Two horses were sitting in a bar, having a drink or two. One horse said to the other, “I am such a wonderful horse. I made $100,000 for my owner […]
A man walks into bar with an ostrich walking along behind him and as he sits down on a bar stool, a small cat jumps up on the stool beside […]
Two cowboys were talking in a bar, having had a few beers (as you do) and the topic of conversation had moved on to discussing various sex positions. The first […]
A duck walks into a bar and orders a pint of beer and a ham sandwich. The barman looks at him and says, “Hang on a minute, you’re a duck!” […]
So, a businessman entered a tavern, sat down at the bar and ordered a double martini on the rocks. After he finished the drink, he peeked inside his shirt pocket, […]
I ask you, will the discrimination between the sexes ever end? If any of us men were to go to a bar without a shirt on, we would be turned […]
Two pieces of string walked into a bar and as you might expect, the bartender looked at them suspiciously. He said to them, “Sorry, boys, we don’t serve your kind […]
A duck walked into a bar, sat down at a table, looked at the food menu and ordered a beer and a sandwich. The bartender looked at him with amazement […]