The Best Funny baby

7 posts

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Why Women Go Through Menopause

I think I figured out why women go through menopause as they get older. I know menopause is a frustrating time for women, with the hot sweats, hormones all over […]

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Young Mother

A young mother went to see her doctor because she was worried about her new baby. “Doctor”, she said, “since I had my baby I can’t sleep at night. When […]

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Infant Scale

At a pharmacy, a blonde woman asked if she could use the infant scale to weigh the baby she held in her arms. The clerk explained to the blonde woman […]

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Baby’s First Examination

A woman and a very young baby were in the doctor’s examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby’s first physical examination. After they had been […]

Camel Talk

A mother camel and her baby camel were talking one day when the baby camel asked, “Mom, why do we have these huge three-toed feet?” The mother replied, “Well my […]

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The New Mother

A new mother went to the psychiatrist because she was worried about her baby. “Doctor,” she said, “Since I had the baby I can’t sleep at night. When I’m in […]

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Show And Tell

“Show and Tell” is one of those days in the school calendar that is often highly memorable. Marjorie, who is a teacher at a grammar school in Miami, remembers this […]