Seamus was walking along a Belfast street one night when suddenly he was confronted with a masked man who had a gun pointed right at him. The gunman asked him, […]
The Best Funny Arab
5 posts
Have you ever wondered why the Jews have Ten Commandments? Well, it’s a long story and a very old one too, but a few thousand years ago, God came up […]
A Jewish American couple were on vacation in the Holy Land and sitting having a coffee outside a souvenir shop in Bethlehem. While they were sitting there drinking their coffee, […]
A Coca Cola salesman returned from an assignment in the Middle East, very disappointed with his lack of success. A friend asked him why he hadn’t been more successful with […]
A wealthy Arab sheik was admitted to the hospital for surgery. As the sheik had a rare type of blood, the hospital didn’t have any and none could be found […]