The Best Funny Antique Jokes

8 posts

An antique is something that is old and I guess much of the content of this site ought to be classified as antique jokes, since they are as old as the hills.

It’s funny you know, because only today I saw a joke posted that I hadn’t seen since I was a young lad, and it was most likely really old even back then.

Good jokes never die, they just age with the years.

So enjoy our collection of antique jokes, the ones in this category being about old collectable items rather than just about every joke on the site of course.

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Margaret And Janet

Margaret and Janet were old friends and they had both been married to their husbands for a long time. One day, Margaret and Janet were talking and Margaret said that […]

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Mangy Looking Cat

A famous art collector is walking through the city, when he notices a mangy looking cat who is lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store. The […]

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Old Friends

Dianne and Marjorie were old friends. They had in fact they had been friends for many years and both of them have been married to their husbands for a very […]

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House Cleaner

Have you ever had a job as a house cleaner? When I was in my last year at high school, I got a part time job which was cleaning the […]

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Real Classified Ads That Didn’t Quite Work

Here are some funny real classified ads that didn’t quite work! We thought these were really funny and hope you do as well. Dinner Special — Turkey $2.35; Chicken or […]

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The Hypnotist

It was entertainment night at the Senior Citizens Center. After the community sing song, which was led by Alice at the piano, it was time for the Star of the […]

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Exclusive Golf Course

A couple went golfing one day at a very exclusive golf course in Florida, where the fairways were lined with million dollar homes. On the third tee, the husband cautioned, […]

antique tables made daily

Antique Tables

Antique tables make great gifts don’t they, but sometimes it’s hard to find what the style of antique table that you are looking for, or if you do the asking […]