The Best Funny Alien Jokes

5 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from: to our collection of Alien jokes, where you can find some humor about beings from outer space.

Aliens have been the topic of “human” humor for many years. Often depicted as “Little Green Men”, or more recently in science-fiction movies as evil scary lizard like beings, but no matter how we depict them, aliens (or the concept of them at least) provide us with some cracking funny jokes.

Let’s get as many laughs as we can before they get mad and try to wipe us out with their lasers!

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Image used on The Laughline under a Collective Commons License from

An Alien Spaceship Landed On Earth

So one day an alien spaceship landed on earth one day. Just as happens in many stories about space aliens, they not only declare that they come in peace but […]

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The Martian Couple

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A Message From Outer Space

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Beware Of Aliens Abducting Your Children

Beware Of Aliens Abducting Your Children

Beware Of Aliens Abducting Your Children We are your friends. We mean you no harm.Give us your young and we go away in peace. This is a “Children Crossing” street […]

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The Astrophysicist

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