The Best Funny Air Conditioning Jokes

6 posts

It doesn’t matter where you go does it, the air conditioning never seems to work right. The place is either too hot, too cold, or it’s too drafty.

I don’t know if we are the first site to do this, but here is a collection of air conditioning jokes for you.

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Air Conditioning In Restaurants

Whenever I hear a story about air conditioning in restaurants, it makes me think of my wife, who more often than not gets cold when we go to a restaurant. […]

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The Church Air Conditioning

It was the middle of a hot summer and the air conditioning had broken down at a Catholic Church in Ireland. So they hired Seamus O’Sullivan to crawl around in […]

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Blonde Cleaners

Two blonde girls were hired as cleaners in a big house in town. One day, while they were cleaning the house, the air conditioning broke down. It just happened to […]

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Plumber At The Pearly Gates

A plumber turns up at the Pearly Gates one day and asks to be let in. “What job did you used to do then?”, asks Saint Peter. The plumber replies, […]

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An Engineer Dies…

An engineer dies, goes up to heaven and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, “Ah, I see that you are an engineer.  I’m sorry, […]