In the beginning, God created the earth, but thousands of years later, mankind decided that nicely manicured lawns were an improvement on the natural environment that God had created. Mankind, […]
The Best Funny Advice Jokes
A man was searching through the classified ads in the local paper, looking for a job. His eyes were suddenly drawn to an advertisement for a toothbrush salesman. He figured […]
An 86 year old man went to the doctors, walked into the crowded waiting room and approached the desk. The receptionist asked, “Yes sir, what are you seeing the Doctor […]
The first year university student came running in tears to her father, crying “Dad, you really gave me some terrible financial advice!” “I did what?” her father said, somewhat shocked […]
A lady teacher at the school where I work recently got engaged and as a friend and colleague I offered her some marital advice. “The first ten years are the […]
A rather lovely woman in her 30’s loved growing tomatoes, but couldn’t seem to get her tomatoes to turn red on the vine in her garden. One day, while taking […]
A pastor was giving a sermon to his congregation about marriage and staying together. He asked his flock: “How many couples here have been married for one year?” A bunch […]
If there was ever a list of pieces of sound advice to be passed down to your daughters, this has to be the best. Do you have any other words […]
A Jewish man pays a visit to the Rabbi, “Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it.” The Rabbi asked, “What’s wrong?” The man […]
Paddy and Bridget had just got married and were about to experience their wedding night in the bridal suite of a fancy hotel. Bridget was lying on her back on […]
A patient was being reviewed for possible release from the mental hospital. At his interview, when they asked him what he would do if he was released, he replied, “I […]
A city man was driving down a country road, when his car spluttered to a complete stop near a field of cows. The driver, getting out to see what was […]