The Best Funny Accent Jokes

22 posts

Image Source: Social MediaIf you enjoy Accent Jokes, you found our collection.

Hands up if you make fun of people’s accents and the way that they talk funny? I think we all do at times. Of course we are all foreigners in one sense, if we travel to another country or even just to another area of our own country.

In some countries like the UK, accents can vary significantly within as little as 20 miles. Many countries have varying accents and dialects across them, even if these aren’t noticeable to foreigners.

Here is a selection of jokes about people and their accents for you to enjoy. You might also enjoy our collection of Language Jokes.

You might recognise Inspector Crabtree, the French Gendarme from Allo Allo and who better to use as the image for this page.

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The Construction Site

An Italian, a Scotsman and a Chinaman were hired as labourers at a construction site. Yes it’s one of those jokes and it’s best if you read it in your […]

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Nelson Mandela

One evening, Nelson Mandela was sitting at home watching television and drinking a beer, when he heard a knock at the door. Oh yes, before we go any further, it’s […]

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Honeymoon In Pakistan

So this newly married couple went on honeymoon in Pakistan. On their first day in Pakistan, they were touring around the marketplace marvelling at the enormous variety of goods available […]

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Christmas In The South

One Christmas Eve, an Englishman went to Alabama as he wanted to experience Christmas in the south. He was used to the usual white Christmases that you get in England […]

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Cowboy Boots

Harold and Jenny had been married for forty years and during all that time Harold had always wanted to own an expensive pair of cowboy boots. He had been a […]

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Big Women

An Irishman was in his local pub the other night when he overheard these three really big women, who were seated at the bar, all drinking and talking loudly. Their […]

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Yorkshire Jokes

In the county of Yorkshire in the north of England they speak with a very unique accent.  If you have trouble understanding any of these jokes, I recommend spending a […]

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United Nations World Survey

Last month a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN.

The only question asked was: “Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?”
The survey was a huge failure because of the following:

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Only An Englishman Would Understand

This is a short joke that really only an Englishman would understand, in particular a Geordie: So, a Geordie bloke goes into the hairdressers and asks “Can I have a […]

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Italian Trip

You have to love Italian Americans and the way they think and talk. This is the story of an Italian trip. It’s an old one but it’s a good one, […]