I bet that all school teachers dread having a class that has a smart arse kid like Little Johnny.
Smart arse kids like Little Johnny always seem to come out on top, yet they are always causing trouble and are full of wise-cracks, intended to wind a teacher up to breaking point.
Take for example this recent episode in class with Little Johnny…
Little Johnny gave his teacher a blank piece of paper.
The teacher asked him,”What is this?”
Little Johnny said, “It’s a drawing of a cow eating grass, Miss”.
The teacher looked at the paper and said, “Where’s the grass?”
Little Johnny replied, “The cow ate all of it, Miss”.
The teacher looked at the paper again and asked him “Well, where’s the cow?”
Little Johnny replied, “It left because there was no more grass, Miss”.
Oh to be a fly on the wall. You can just imagine the look on the teacher’s face.
Image used under a Collective Commons License from: https://pixabay.com/en/schoolboy-kids-paint-cute-boy-2340802/