Everyone loves a swimming pool, but only when it’s clean. Here are some funny signs that your swimming pool needs cleaning:
- That green tarp covering your pool? Look again, Sparky.
- Neighborhood kids ask if they can jump on your trampoline.
- That guy from Sunset Boulevard is REALLY beginning to smell gamey.
- PH is so high, in vitro fertilization is possible.
- Kids still pee in your pool, but they refuse to get in it first.
- Skipping rocks across it causes sparks.
- New algae species attract a Discovery Channel film crew to your backyard.
- Jello-like water slowing the pace of water polo games to unacceptable levels.
- Luke Skywalker and Yoda appear in search of the sunken X-Wing.
- The Grim Reaper shows up in his Speedo.
- “DREDGE ME” spelled out in algae on the bottom.
- You can walk on the water, even though you’re only the son of Gus.
- Dr. Kervorkian seen filling IV bottles at poolside.
- Your recently installed pool filter resembles the Marlboro Man’s chest x-ray.
- You haven’t seen that much scum since Mickey Rourke’s last movie.
- The amount of body hair found in the drain gives even Robin Williams a run for his money.