I stumbled across this music video of some Russian Hillbilly Music on this dull, grey, wet and windy Sunday morning, while browsing some music videos for another totally unrelated band.
My first reaction was “what the heck am I watching?” but the more I watched the more I fell in love with this catchy music and the fun video itself. The only way I can describe it is that it made me want to get lost in the moment and just be there.
I don’t know who this band is as the text is in Russian. All I know is it was posted in 2012 and it’s had over 12 million views. It’s still being commented on, and for me at least it put me in a Feel Good mood.
I just wanted to add a wonderful comment from one person that watched this, and it pretty much sums up how I feel after watching the video:
Hi there to russia ¡ I watch this video with my 10year old daughter today on my sofa on a dull damp sunday in tbe woods wher I live in germany.. she had a broken leg and was not in tbe best mood… When we watched your song, playing, singing and dancing, we both start to laugh and love came to our hearts! Thanx werry much for your soulful and brilliant performance! I would love to go there some day… Nothing helps better to build rainbow bridges over cultures than music.! Lets thank the gods (there are many) for the beautiful creation of music and dancing.. Big big hugs from germany… Oliver and Maria
So, it you enjoyed this video, please share our post, or the video itself, and help spread some brightness across the world, from north to south and east to west.
Intrigued by the sound of this folk group, a bit of research (and a number of videos) gave me some more information which I am pleased to pass on.
Otava Yo are from St. Petersburg in Russia, and were formed in 2003. They call their style of music “Aftergrass”, I guess after the American “Bluegrass” music which shares many similarities.
To find out more about Otava Yo, see their Official YouTube page and their Official Website.
Meanwhile, several years later, I have listened and watched every one of their videos many many times. I have their greatest hits CD and also have the t-shirt! I love their music and one day when the world is at peace again I would love to see them perform live.
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