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Punctuation Is Really Important

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If you have never considered the fact that punctuation is really important and the difference it can make to the meaning of something that was written, then have a look at the letter below.

This letter was written with different punctuation and in the second version, it takes on a totally different meaning altogether.

So, friends, be really careful how you punctuate sentences when you write, as your letters just might be taken completely the wrong way.

Dear John,
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart. I can be forever happy. Will you let me be yours?

Dear John,
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we’re apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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