A middle aged man picked up his new prescription for Viagra from the pharmacy and made his way home to get ready for when his wife got home from work.
He called his wife on the phone to check and she said that she would be home in an hour.
“Perfect”, he thought, as the Doctor had told him that he needed to take his Viagra an hour before he wanted to be intimate with his partner. So he got a glass of water, took the Viagra and waited in the living room for his wife to arrive.
Well, an hour went by, with the man regularly looking at the time and pacing up and down in frustration.
By this time the Viagra had fully kicked in and he was all ready to go, but the problem was, no wife, she still hadn’t come home.
Just as he was starting to get really panicky, his wife called him to say that the traffic was terrible and she wouldn’t be home for at least another hour.
Well that wasn’t what he wanted to hear at all, so the man, now totally frustrated, called his Doctor for advice on what to do.
“I’ve got a hard on a cat couldn’t scratch off and my wife won’t be home for another hour! What should I do?” he asked his Doctor.
The Doctor replied, “I agree it would be a real shame to waste it. Do you have a housekeeper around?”
“Yes I do”, the man replied.
“Well, maybe you can work the problem out with her instead?” the Doctor suggested.
The man siged and replied, “But Doctor, I don’t need Viagra with the housekeeper!”
Image used under a Collective Commons License from https://pixabay.com/photos/cleaning-housewife-mop-kitchen-5476956/