The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Pet Turtle

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Little Johnny ran into the kitchen to his mother, he was crying and cradling his pet turtle in his hands.

“Mommy, my turtle is dead”, Little Johnny told his mother as he held the turtle out to her, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

His mother kissed him on the head, then said, “That’s all right Johnny. We’ll wrap him in tissue paper, put him in a little box, then have a nice burial ceremony in the back yard. After that, we’ll go out for an ice cream soda, and then get you a new pet”.

His mother started to continue, “I don’t want you…”, but she stopped talking as she noticed the turtle move.

” Johnny, your turtle is not dead after all”, she said to him with a smile.

“Oh”, Johnny said, “Can I kill it?”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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