The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

New Arrivals At The Gates Of Heaven

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It was a really busy day “upstairs” and there were a lot of new arrivals at the gates of Heaven where a crowd had developed waiting to see if they would be allowed in. Heaven being what it is, it can sometimes get fairly busy with people waiting to get in.

A man arrived at the pearly gates and slowly made his way to the fron tof the queue, where St. Peter stopped him, looked him over and asked him what religion he was.

The man said, “I’m a Methodist”.

St. Peter looked down his list, and said, “I have good news for you. You are on my list. Go to Room 24, but please be very quiet as you pass Room 8”.

Soon afterwards, another man arrived at the gates of Heaven and made his way to the front of the queue.

St. Peter also asked him what religion he was.

“Catholic”, the man replied.

“Go to Room 18, but be very quiet as you pass Room 8”, St. Peter told him.

Well, surprise, surprise, not long after that a third man arrived at the pearly gates of Heaven and slowly made his way to the front of the queue.

“And what might your religion be?” St. Peter asked him.

“I’m Jewish”, the man said.

“Go to Room 11, but be very quiet as you pass Room 8”, St. Peter said.

The Jewish man replied, “I can understand there being different rooms for different religions, but I am really curious as to why I must be quiet when I pass Room 8?”

St. Peter told him, “Well, the Pentecostals are all in Room 8 and they think they are the only ones here”.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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