The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Naked Woman On The Golf Course

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

To see a naked woman on the golf course. To some people it would be a dream come true, but to those whose mind is set on the game of golf itself, it would purely be a distraction.

One day, a really keen golfer was all ready to tee off on the 17th hole, when out of the woods came a naked girl.

She ran right past him, and much to his surprise, she kept running and disappeared into the woods on the other side of the tee.

The golfer thought that this was rather odd, but being set on having a good round, he lined himself up once again to tee off.

However, right in the middle of his backswing, a man in a white coat ran out of the woods and asked him if he had seen a naked lady running past.

“Yes” said the golfer, “she ran off into the woods”.

The man in the white coat said thanks, and quickly disappeared into the woods on the other side of the tee in pursuit of the naked woman.

For a third time the golfer prepared to hit the ball, when all of a sudden another man in a white coat came out of the woods, and he was carrying a five gallon bucket of sand.

The man asked the golfer if he had seen a man in a white coat come through her chasing a naked lady.

“Yes”, the golfer said, “they both ran that way through the woods”.

The man said “thanks” and started to run off into the woods himself, when the golfer stopped him and asked him what was going on.

The man explained to the golfer, “You see, we work at a sanitarium that backs onto the golf course. Every now and then that girl gets away and, all she wants to do is get naked and make love.”

The golfer, looking curious, asked him, “Oh ok, but what is the bucket of sand for?”

The man in the white coat smiled and said, “Oh, that’s my handicap. You see, I caught her the last time!!”

Having posted this joke about a naked woman on the golf course, it was really quite surprising to see where it appeared on Google searches. Not just the number of times it appeared, but how many different searches it appeared in. I would never have imagined just how many people there are who are into naked women on golf courses, or playing golf naked for that matter!

Here are just some of the searches that this joke has appeared in so far:

  • funny naked women
  • naked female golf
  • naked girl funny
  • naked girl on golf course
  • naked golf
  • naked golf course
  • naked golf pictures
  • naked golf videos
  • naked golfer
  • naked lady golfers
  • naked on a golf course
  • naked on golf course
  • naked on the golf course
  • naked woman golf
  • naked women golfing
  • naked women of golf
  • naked women on the golf course
  • naked women playing golf
  • women playing golf naked

Maybe this is a niche market we ought to think about. I wonder if the girls are up for it?

I did notice that nobody seems to be interested in middle-aged or old naked women on the golf course though. Funny that.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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