The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Michael Jackson Jokes

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Well Michael Jackson has departed this life at the tender age of 50, and I am sure his music will live on with his fans for many years to come, but so too will all the bizarre elements of his life, including his many plastic surgeries, change of color from dark brown to whiter than  white, his obsession with his Neverland Ranch, pet monkey, and of course the accusations that he was molesting boys while they slept over in his bed.

As often happens when a celebrity passes away, it doesn’t take long for the jokes to appear, and while many are sick and twisted, they are also incredibly funny.

Kudos to the people who thought these jokes up.  I don’t know who you are, but you sure know how to turn a news event into something that can make a lot of people laugh.

I will be adding to this list as new jokes come in, so if you have any more, please add a comment and let me know.

Right, enough from me, on with the jokes…

Rumor has it that at the time Michael Jackson suffered a heart attack, he was blowing Bubbles.

So Farrah Fawcett died and went to heaven yesterday morning.

Because she’d been so good during her life, the lord said he would grant her a single wish.

Being the good natured person that she was, she said “I just wish that all the children of the world are  safe”.

The next thing you know, Michael Jackson died.

An autopsy on Michael Jackson’s body has revealed that at the time of death, he was 90% plastic.

They are going to turn his remains into Lego, so that now children will be able to play with him.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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