The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Looking To Unwind

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A man came home from a tough day of work and was just looking to unwind.

After a relaxing dinner with his wife of some years, followed by an hour of watching television, they retired to their separate beds.

However the man was not yet ready to go to sleep, he was feeling frisky.

So he called over to his wife and said, “My little boopey-boo, I’m lonely”.

So, his wife got out of bed and crossed the room to her husband’s bed, but on the way she tripped on the carpet and fell flat on her face.

Her husband, with a concerned look on his face, said to her, “Oh, did my little honey-woney fall on her little nosey-wosey? Come here and let me kiss it better”.

So the woman picked herself up off the floor and climbed into her husband’s bed, where he kissed her better and as you might guess, one thing led to another.

The two of them ended up having passionate sex for a while and afterwards when they had finished, the woman rolled out of her husband’s bed.

As she was returning to her own bed, she once again caught her foot on the carpet and fell flat on her face.

The man looked over his shoulder at his wife lying on the floor and said, “Clumsy b*tch.”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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