A man decided that he would buy his wife some expensive lingerie for Valentines Day.
So he paid a visit to a well known fashion store in the mall that always advertised the sexiest of underwear for women.
While he was browsing around the store, he noticed that as the prices of the lingerie went up, the items happened to become more and more skimpy, the amount of material decreased and they become more see-thru.
He finally decided on what happened to be the most expensive item in the lingerie range that liked and the price tag was $500.
Since he was in a good mood and no doubt hoping to benefit from his gift for his wife, the man decided to purchase that most expensive item for his wife.
He completed his purchase and headed home to meet his wife and show her his surprise gift.
“Happy Valentine’s day sweetheart!” he said when he got home. “I got you a little something special”.
“Ooh what is it?” his wife replied as she took the fancily wrapped package from him and begins to unwrap the gift.
Finally the gift was unwrapped, revealing the skimpy piece of lingerie.
His wife literally squealed in delight, “Oh my gosh I love it!” and gave her husband a lingering passionate kiss.
“Why don’t you go try it on, honey?” her husband suggested.
So, his wife ran upstairs to the bedroom to try it on.
It was then that she noticed the price tag as well as the fact that the item was so revealing, it basically looks like she was wearing nothing at all.
So, she decided just to go downstairs naked, planning to return the item later and pocket the $500.
When she got downstairs, she paraded in front of her husband and asked him, “So darling, what do you think?”
“Hmmm”, he replied. “You would think for $500 that they would have at least ironed it”.
Image used under a Collective Commons License from https://www.tradesy.com/i/agent-provocateur-black-women-s-lingerie-madelina-brief-size-3-and-bra-34-b/26630953/