This is a collection of limericks and poems that were written to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. The collection is a tribute to some talented writers who used to contribute to Associated Content. This was a highly successful website with thousands of talented contributors, but sadly, Associated Content is no more.
The site was bought by Yahoo and renamed Yahoo Contributor Network, however Yahoo failed to make a success of the site, and they finally closed it down in 2014. All that remains is a great collection of limericks and poems, and some good memories of publishing articles on what was once a great place to write.
Although this collection began as just limericks, some excellent original poems were also written, and incorporated into the collection. We hope you enjoy them.
What Is a Limerick?
According to Wisegeek, a limerick is a five-line, humorous poem with an AABBA rhyme scheme.
The concept of Limericks is about 500 years old, and thought to have first been used as a distinct form at the end of the sixteenth century.
The limerick was popularized by Edward Lear in A Book of Nonsense, which includes many limericks as well as other poems, for example “The Owl and the Pussy Cat.”
The Truth About Saint Patrick
Irish marauders kidnapped him and sold him as a slave.
This poem was written by Linda Louise Johnson, and even though it’s not a limerick, I thought that it would make a fitting start to this page.
Patrick at sixteen years
taken far away from home
a captive slave, still a boy
on a hillside all alone.
Under foreign skies
the shepherd called to God
Speak oh Lord and tell me
why I’m bound to Irish sod.
A hundred prayers he prayed by day
at night almost the same
called to prayer in ice and snow
and baptized in the rain.
Listening for the still small voice
from heaven’s holy heights,
longing just to know the One
who hung stars in the night.
Through six long years the slave
breathed in revelation
alone with God below the sky
certain of salvation.
Then he was free, escaped to home
learning more of Christ, the Truth and Way.
A changed man now, humble, kind,
wanting only to obey.
When in a dream the angel came
and called him back to Ireland,
so he brought the Word of Christ
and forever changed the land.
In the countryside and villages
before the great cathedrals soared
Saint Patrick spoke the truths of God
and souls came to the Lord.
He set a fire of love and truth
and it’s blazing still
in Irish hearts who come to know
what he learned on Irish hills.
And so if you are in Ireland
and you’re under starry skies
look up and pray as Patrick did
until the voice of God draws nigh.
Born in Wales or Scotland, as a teen Patrick was captured and sold into slavery in Ireland.
Six years later he escaped to Gaul (now France) where he later became a monk.
Around 432AD he returned to Ireland as a missionary, and succeeded in converting the island to Christianity.
Later in life he wrote a brief text, Confessio, detailing his life and ministry. It is now known as The Confession of St. Patrick, in which he writes of his years of slavery as a shepherd, praying in the woods and mountains. He reflects that the ice, rain and snow did not bother him, he was so on fire for God.
A Limerick For Saint Patrick’s Day
This limerick was written by Tony Payne.
Saint Patrick would have never believed
How his memory would become perceived
In the Emerald Isle
They do it in style
With green outfits, green hats and green sleeves
In the New World they went one step beyond
As they do there across the pond
With jugs of green beer
And all sorts of cheer
And silly hats often are donned
Corned Beef and Cabbage are common
In Chicago, New York and Boston
But in Olde Dublin Towne
They’d certainly frown
Guinness is their usual custom
When 17th March comes along
It’s an excuse for drinking and song
People form into crowds
And get really loud
As they do when they form into a throng
The next day starts with a warning
Heads are thumping as a new day is dawning
We drank way too much
Spoke fluent double dutch
There’s a price to be paid in the morning
King Of The Fairies
Before we go any further, an article about Irish traditions would not be complete without some Irish music would it.
So please let me introduce to you an Irish rock band called Horslips. I have been a big fan of Horslips since the mid 1970s.
I hope you enjoy this track entitled “King Of The Fairies,” which was recorded live in Dublin in 1973.
Do You Believe In Leprechauns?
This limerick was written by Tony Payne.
Do you believe in Leprechauns
Rainbows with pots of gold
Fairies, Piskies, Gnomes and Dwarves
Or have you just grown old
I sometimes stop and wonder
Where these ancient tales come from
Were there really once such things
And if so, then are they gone?
This world is full of strange events
You can read it throughout history
There’s UFO’s and flying things
It really is a mystery
But for the sake of old Saint Pat
Let’s imagine for a day
That fairy tale folk they do exist
You might see one at play
You Don’t Get More Irish Than This!

A Limerick For Saint Patrick’s Day
This limerick was written by Tony Payne.
When the world’s dressed up in their green
The brightest colors that you have seen
They are drinking good cheer
With green colored beer
It’s not dirty though, it’s clean
Waiting For The Parade

This photograph was taken at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Hollywood, Florida.
Mick And His Trick
This limerick was written by Tony Payne.
An Irish builder called Mick
Did a very unusual trick
He would juggle his tools
Which was really quite cool
Till they landed one day on his foot
Dog Dressed For Saint Patrick’s Day

Tripping And Slipping
This limerick was written by Tony Payne
While walking an Irish lass tripped
And into a puddle she slipped
When a man pulled her out
Did she holler and shout
Cos he trod on her dress and it ripped
Spilt On A Quilt
This limerick was written by Tony Payne
A young Irish maid once spilt
Green beer all over a quilt
She was really quite shy
So she wiped it all dry
But blushed because of her guilt
The Best Beer Isn’t So Clear
This limerick was written by Mike Oberg
I met a man in Ireland
Who liked to drink his black and tan.
I said, “Try a Guinness.
After much drink between us
He no longer can take a stand!
Brotherly Conversation
This limerick was written by Mike Oberg
I once met a monk who could inspire
When espousing his spiritual fire
And soon I had found
He was quite profound
In fact, you could call him a deep friar!
Don’t Drink With Your Ride
This limerick was written by Mike Oberg
There was a man from the upper class
Who drank to the bottom of his glass.
He drank with his mule;
They said “what a fool”!
When he tripped and he fell on his ass.
What Saint Patrick’s Day Means To Me
This poem was written by Donna Cavanagh
What have you done for me?
There was one celebration years ago
That nine months later gave me a baby
My one dog’s birthday also falls
On your special day
The luck of the Irish certainly crosses my path
My gratitude to you, words cannot say
You drove the snakes from Ireland
They honor you with a grand parade
We dress in green and we sing Irish songs
Your popularity never seems to fade
St. Patrick’s Day is special to me
For all the reasons stated above
I view this holiday as a way to share
A little debauchery and a lot of love
On March 17th I will celebrate your day
There will be corned beef, cabbage and some green beer
I am pretty sure now no babies will follow
Although another puppy might be okay next year
Brigit Almost Does An Irish Jig
This limerick was written by R.K. LoBello
Brigit Kelly had mastered the jig.
For the contest, she’d wear a green wig.
When the music began,
The lass tripped on a can…
Now a green cast is her only gig!
An Irish Limerick
This limerick was written by Jersey Nana
There was a wee lassie from Cork
Who on a date did nothing but talk
In an effort to quiet her
He ordered Jameson’s from the proprietor
Now she’s expecting a visit from the stork!
The Wearing Of The Green
This poem was written by Jersey Nana
Paint the line green
Down the middle of the street.
For here comes the parade
For the Irish elite!
With the Sons of Ireland
And their marching band,
Hear those bagpipes humming
All across the land!
But the best thing about
This Grand Old array,
Is that everyone’s Irish
On St. Paddy’s Day!
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade

This limerick was written by Tony Payne
A pipe band is marching along
The bagpipes are playing their song
As “Danny Boy” they played
For Saint Patrick’s parade
The crowd sang until they were gone
This photograph was taken at the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Hollywood, South Florida
The Rainbow’s End
This limerick was written by Tony Payne
The rainbow’s end has a pot of gold
It’s a story we have often been told
When in our pre-teens
We have fanciful dreams
But they fade away as we grow old
March Seventeen Madness
This limerick was written by Tony Payne
When it comes to March Seventeen
Some towns dye their river green
People drink too much beer
And then act rather queer
Which causes a bit of a scene
Fun Limericks
These limericks were written by Juneann Reed
There was a silly old dog named Dale
He drank all the hooch from the pail
Then he circled around
And fell to the ground
From his throat came a terrible wail
There was a young girl named Sadie
A lovely green eyed, red-haired lady
She came from the Isle
And had a great smile
Our Sadie – she was a tad bit weighty
There was a young lady named Pat
She could hit any round ball with her bat
Along came the scout
To the outfield he walked out
Our Pat hit – knocked that old scout down flat
A Leprechaun’s Look At The Economy
This limerick was written by Coral Levang
A wee, little man dressed in green
Chasing rainbows is where he was seen.
Crawling into the pot
It was money he sought.
In this economy things are quite lean!
McIrish O’Limerick
This limerick was written by Linda Riggs
An O’ can make Irish of thee
Just as easily as a Mc’D
So whatever your name
Play the St. Paddy’s Day game
And be Irish as Irish can be!
Irish Kisses Please
This poem was written by Linda Riggs
I’ve put on my “green”
And put green in the brew
Just as every good Irish girl
Knows she should do
Potatoes are ready
With green eggs and ham
Leprechaun and a bucket of gold
Add a touch of glam
I’m ready for St. Patrick’s Day
With a shamrock for every guest
And with all there is to enjoy this day
I still like Irish kisses the best!
A Saint Patrick’s Day Poem From A Partly Irish Girl
This poem was written by Sherri Thornhill
May you find your four-leaf clover
Under your pot of gold
May you keep your beautiful smile
Even as you grow old
May your kids always listen
To what they are told
May you find someone to warm you
Whenever you are cold
May all your items on Ebay
Easily get sold
May you play the winning hand
And never early fold
May you drink lots of green beer
And know that it’s not mold
May you enjoy a plate of shepherd’s pie
When you’re feeling bold
May you have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Put those other plans on hold!
Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone..
from your friendly Irish/Scott/British American friend..
Sally O’Malley
This limerick was written by Fern Fischer
There once sailed a man named O’Malley
Who married a sweet girl named Sally
When put to the test
She could sail with the best
But she wasn’t much good in the galley
In A Pickle
This limerick was written by Fern Fischer
There once was a boy named Mike Brinegar
Who drank a whole bottle of vinegar
He choked and he sputtered
And finally uttered
“I’ll never drink vinegar againegar!”
The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring

This limerick was written by Tony Payne
Oh the flowers that bloom in the spring
Is a song that a lot of folks sing
I don’t know any more
So I can’t say for sure
But it sounds like it has a nice ring
To my friends from Associated Content where these limericks and poems were first published: I have added you as authors to your work. If you would like me to add a link to your current website, or a social media profile, please let me know and I will be pleased to do so.
One thought on “Limericks And Poems For Saint Patricks Day”
An Irish pub is a great place to be
blow all your gold on beer and whiskey.
But there’s a damn good chance
you’ll awake in a romance
that only through beer goggles did you see.