The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

Letters To God From Children

Don’t you think it’s really sweet when children write letters to God? Sometimes the way that children think and the things that they write are really funny. Precious I know, but also at times very funny.

This is a collection of letters to God that were written by young children. It was sent to me by a friend way back in 2011! Can you believe that? Yes, I do keep emails going back that far! I hope you enjoy them.

Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media
Image source: Social Media

Well we hope you enjoyed reading those. Children are precious aren’t they. Well, at least when they aren’t throwing tantrums and refusing to go to sleep!

If you enjoyed them, please help us by sharing this and spreading the word about The Laughline. Our goal is to help people all over the world to find a reason to laugh and smile. We could all do with more joy in our lives and laughing is infectious.

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