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Is The Winter Going To Be Cold This Year?

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Is the winter going to be cold this year? That’s a good question for the Native American Indians.

It was late fall one year and the Indians who lived in a village on a remote reservation in South Dakota asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild.

Since he was a chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets that Indian chiefs would know in the old days.  When he looked at the sky, he had no idea how to tell what the winter was going to be like.

Nevertheless, he decided that to be on the safe side, it would be best if he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared.

However, being a practical leader, after several days, he got an idea.  He powered on his laptop, messaged the National Weather Service and asked them, “Is the coming winter going to be cold?”

The reply came back from the National Weather Service a short time later, “It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold”, the meteorologist said.

So, the chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared.

A week later, he messaged the National Weather Service again and asked, “Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?”

“Yes we believe this winter will be very cold”, the man at National Weather Service replied again.

So the chief went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find.

Two weeks later, the chief decided to get on the phone and called the National Weather Service again.

“Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?”, he asked them.

“Absolutely without doubt”, the man replied. “This is looking more and more like it is going to be one of the coldest winters that we have ever seen”.

“How can you be so sure?”, the Indian chief asked.

The weatherman replied, “The Indians are collecting all the firewood they can find!”

I guess that’s a lesson in checking your sources…

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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