The Laughline
Thousands Of Funny Jokes To Make You Laugh

The Irish Spy

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As happens once in a while, and twice in a while if it’s a joke, the CIA loses track of one of its operatives. This time it was an Irish spy, so they called in one of their top spy hunters to try and locate him.

The head of the CIA gave the spy hunter some information to help him to track the missing operative down.

“All I can tell you is that his name is Murphy and that he’s somewhere in Ireland. If you think you’ve located him, tell him the code words, ‘The weather forecast calls for mist in the morning.’ If it’s really him, he’ll answer, ‘Yes, and for mist at noon as well.'”

So, armed with this information, the spy hunter headed off to Ireland and stopped in at a pub in a small village.

He said to the barman , “Maybe you can help me. I’m looking for a man named Murphy.”

The barman replied, “You’re going to have to be more specific than that my good man, because around here there are a lot of fellows who go by that name”.

The barman continued, “For a start there’s Murphy the baker; Then there’s Murphy the banker; Also Murphy the farmer; And, as a matter of fact, my name is Murphy, too.”

Hearing this, the spy hunter figured that he might as well try the code words on Murphy the barman , so he said, “The weather forecast calls for mist in the morning.”

The barman replied, “Oh, you’re looking for Murphy the Spy. He lives right down the road”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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