We received so many Funny Christmas Pictures in 2020 that our existing Funny Christmas Picture pages were becoming rather full. So, to make it easier for you to find our new pictures, we have created this new page, with our new Christmas Pictures grouped as before.
We hope you enjoy these new Christmas pictures and if you
want more we have hundreds of them in our other
Funny Christmas Pictures pages.
Unless stated otherwise, all images used on this page came from Social Media. We are not aware of any copyright, however if we have used any without permission, please contact us.
Celestial Events

Well, 2020 started off ok and just seemed to go from bad to worse didn’t it.
Here it’s still all going wrong, when our chance to see the fabled Star Of Bethlehem, the Christmas Star, visible only once every 400 or so years, when Jupiter and Saturn are in alignment, a truly magnificent sight to behold, is thwarted by clouds.
Here on the south coast of England, my day at least, started with trying to watch video of the sun rising at Stonehenge (which is only about 30 miles away) for the Winter Solstice. Guess what? Solid dark cloud and rain! English Heritage gave up trying to stream the video in the end.
The day continued as such, solid dark cloud and non-stop rain all day and night, so no change of seeing a single star, let along the brightest in the night sky.
Why is it that you can so often predict the weather is going to be cloudy when there is a celestial event involving the planets or a meteor shower? I hope Christmas Day isn’t this gloomy.
2020 Themed Christmas Pictures
Let’s start with some 2020 themed Christmas pictured. Some of the biggest themes of the year being the (IMHO very corrupt) US elections, Covid-19, Brexit and more.
Treasons Greetings

Where better to start than the corruption in the USA, which has dominated the news worldwide for much of 2020. We should see the outcome sometime in 2021 and no doubt this will yet again dominate the news.
2020 Christmas Tree

Who can forget the effects that Covid-19 had in 2020, notably the shortage of toilet rolls as shoppers went crazy, stockpiling them and rapidly emptying the supermarket shelves.
2020 Christmas Cookies

Covid-19 is the theme again, with just about everything in our lives being changed to remind us of this horrible pandemic that changed so many lives this year.
The Official Christmas Angel Of 2020

Those masks that seemed strange just a few months ago have now become a part of our everyday lives. I wonder how long it will be before we don’t have to wear them again.
No Peace On Earth For The Holy Family
Poor Mary

Having travelled all that way, been unable to get a comfortable bed in a hotel, having no option but to give birth to her baby in a manger, poor Mary tries to get some sleep, only to find the locals to be rather annoying.
So That’s What Happened To Our Packages!

Thanks to the Wise Men, Mary and Joesph finally realise what happened to their Christmas gifts.
Happy Christmas And Happy Birthday

I don’t know about you, but I’m pleased my birthday is a few months away from Christmas. I guess if your name is Jesus Christ you don’t really have a choice though.
Where Do Babies Come From?

A few years after his birth, Jesus poses an interesting and extremely embarrassing question for his parents.
What Else Could Possibly Go Wrong This Year?

And suddenly the last 2,000 years were changed beyond recognition, or never happened at all.
Makes you just wonder, had Mary and Joesph had a little girl, what would have happened instead of the biblical stories that we all know. Instead of introducing Jesus, it would have been Gina. The Apostles would probably have been following her because she was hot, not because of her wise words. Who knows, I might just have to write a short story on this theme.
When Your Christmas Starts To Go Wrong
You make some great plans for Christmas, but the Elves (or some naughty influences) are determined that everything shouldn’t go according to plan. Here are a few examples. Now what could go wrong…
Flickering Lights

What the flick! Someone should really have checked that font before they went ahead and printed those boxes.
Advent Calendar

We all know that you are only supposed to open one door a day on your Advent Calendar, but hands up who breaks the rules and pigs most of the goodies back in a day or two.
Pork Scratching Advent Calendar

I would bet that this Advent Calendar either gets polished off in a single evening, or the recipient very carefully opens one door a day, hoping to find a crunchy one inside.
I saw these in a shop and just couldn’t resist snapping away. I didn’t buy any though, wonder what they were like?
Cookies For Santa

Well the best laid plans always go wrong when the proof-reader and the printer missed the now quite obvious spelling mistake.
Who Burned The Star Wars Cookies?

Oops! It’s a good thing those Star Wars cookies are being offered to Darth Vader. I know he doesn’t have much of a sense of humour, but hopefully he will see the funny side of the cookies being a little on the dark side.
The Family Christmas Photo

This will never get out will it? I’m sure we destroyed that old Christmas photo we took for a laugh a few years ago. Didn’t we?
She Hasn’t Opened Her Present Yet

Something, not sure what, makes me think that trouble is brewing in the house. Maybe she is just waiting for the family and guests to go home, so she can unwrap her Christmas present, get the iron our, plug it in, then belt you over the head with it!

Just give a second thought to that expensive present you buy your parents for Christmas. It just might not get the usage you expected.
Wonder What I’m Getting For Christmas

When Alexa gives the game away! Maybe someone should have turned the batteries off before wrapping it.

I guess this is self-explanatory. It’s all downhill from here on kids…
When You Discover Your Reindeer Are Anatomically Correct

OMG! Quick, Bob, bring those new reindeer in before the local children see them! We will be the talk of the neighborhood!
Plain Sailing For Santa’s Reindeer At Christmas
They have done this Christmas Eve thing for years and years and years, so what could go wrong. Unfortunately, more than you could imagine. Santa’s reindeer are always getting into trouble and 2020 is no exception.
The Donner Party

Poor old Donner, little did he know the dark significance behind the poster for his Christmas party.
If you aren’t American you might not get this. Click Here for details that should help you to understand.

Self explanatory I suppose. I’m sure Santa’s not in for a pleasant night. Hope he is wearing a mask – a gas mask!

No Rudolph! Look closer, but sorry, it’s not your Dad. Better luck next time.
Kit Kat

Santa loses again. When will he learn that you just can’t win with those cunning reindeer.
How About A Bad Reindeer Joke?

Sorry about that one, but we couldn’t just leave it out.
We Had Some Really Funny Christmas Tree Pictures
The Day The Trees Discovered The Truth About Christmas

Can you imagine finding out what happened to Harold after he got the chop! Even worse when they discover that happens to him on Twelfth Night!
Dinosaur Christmas Tree

Sometimes it’s good to have a Christmas tree that’s a bit different, but you can go too far! You definitely won’t see one of those in our house.
The Wurst Christmas Tree

If you thought the dinosaur Christmas tree was bad, this has to be far worse. Can you imagine the smell, especially after a week! It could be really tough if you have dogs as well, I imagine the tree would get demolished pretty quick. I wonder, does eating sausages give a dog the squits?
And A Whole Bunch Of The Rest
We weren’t sure exactly which category to put these funny Christmas pictures in, so we just dumped them here under “Miscellaneous”. They were too funny to not include. Hope you agree.

I guess that having escaped Thanksgiving, the turkey didn’t want to meet a sticky end on Christmas Day either. Cunning plan, let’s hope it works.
Warmest Greetings

Not everything is really what you think it is at first sight. I don’t know what you thought this looked like, but I know what I did!
Christmas Lights

And who knew that Christmas Lights were so gregarious.
The Elf And The Grinch

I love this one, maybe because I’m one of those who doesn’t actually like the movie “Elf”.
Grandma’s Night Before Christmas

Poor old Grandma. I know she is getting old and her eyesight isn’t what it used to be, but it makes it really confusing for the kids on Christmas Eve.
Snow Couple

Just a really sweet Christmassy picture of a snow couple to finish. Love the boot laces.
We hope you enjoyed this collection of funny Christmas pictures for 2020. Please keep coming back as we keep adding more as we find them.
Our header image of a Winter Scene is used under a Collective Commons License from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Winter_Scene_(39664989411).jpg