A little girl said to her Grandfather, “Grandpa, can I sit on your lap?
“Why sure you can sweety”, her Grandfather replied.
As she was sitting on her Grandfather’s lap she said, “Grandpa, can you make a sound like a frog?”
“A sound like a frog? Well, I guess Grandpa can make a sound like a frog”.
The girl said, “Grandpa, will you please, please MAKE a sound like a frog?”
Perplexed, her Grandpa said, “Sweetheart, why do you want me to make a sound like a frog?”
And the little girl said, “‘Well, Grandma said that when you croak, we’re all going to Disneyworld!”
Image used under a Collective Commons License from https://www.flickr.com/photos/leehaywood/4237406845