A group of former kindergarten students were struggling to become accustomed to first grade at school.
The biggest hurdle they faced, was that the teacher insisted on no baby talk.
She would always remind them that they needed to use “big people words”.
The teacher asked Susan what she had done over the weekend.
“I went to visit my Nana”, Susan replied.
“No, you went to visit your Grandmother”, the teacher responded, “use big people words”.
She then asked David what he had done over the weekend.
“I took a ride on a choo-choo”, David said proudly.
The teacher quickly shot him down with, “No, you took a ride on a train. Use big people words David”.
She then asked Michael what he had done over the weekend.
“I read a book”, Michael replied.
“That’s wonderful”, the teacher said. “What book did you read?”
Michael thought about it, then puffed out his chest with great pride and said, “Winnie The Shit”.
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