The Laughline
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Eating Sausages During Lent

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A Catholic priest was walking along the road during Lent, when he couldn’t believe what he saw.

The smell of grilled meat wafted through his nostrils, and looking into the window of the house that he was passing, he spied a parishioner who was enjoying some tasty bratwurts sausage.

Not only was this a Friday, the day when good Catholics should refrain from eating meat, it was also a Friday during Lent, so strictly taboo in the church.

The next time the priest saw the man, being a pragmatic soul, he preached to the man all about his sins in no uncertain words, and told him that for his penance, he was to bring a load of timber to the church, to help repair the roof.

The parishioner grumbled, but nevertheless went off to do his penance.

He arrived at the church on the next Friday, and proceeded to dump a huge load of sawdust right in the middle of the parking lot.

“What’s this?” the priest asked him. “I told you that your penance was a load of timber, not a mountain of sawdust.”

The man replied cooly to the priest, “Well, if those sausages I ate were meat, then this sawdust is timber.”

Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

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