I imagine Donald Trump pumpkins will still be really common this year, since despite him not being President any more, he is still as big a laughing stock as ever.
Donald Trump lends himself perfectly to being portrayed for Halloween as a pumpkin. What with his orange skin, silly mop of hair, and bizarre facial expressions, the Orange Oompa Loompa will no doubt be used on Halloween celebrations all over the world this year and for years to come.
Donald Trumpkin
Making America Great One Pumpkin At A Time
It will definitely help to make America “great” every time one of these effigies is chopped up (IMHO)!
Donald Trump In Jail Pumpkin
Image Source: Social Media
If you have a great Donald Trump pumpkin that you would like us to display, please let us know by sending a link in a comment on this post. We would love to see it, and if we add it to this post, we would of course give credit to the creator.
Note: If a pumpkin is not your own work, please check that it is available for use on other websites, as we do our best to use only images that we have permission to use.