There is something about dogs and Christmas that goes together well. Maybe it’s because for many of us, dogs form a part of our family and our lives very much involve them, both as pets and as animal friends. So here we have for you a great collection of funny pictures featuring dogs and Christmas.
With dogs playing a part in our lives over Christmas, it’s only natural that some crazy people with a wicked sense of humour have created funny Christmas pictures featuring dogs.
This is our collection of funny pictures on the theme of dogs and Christmas, as well as dogs in the winter time. I hope you enjoy them and if you do get some good laughs out of our funny Christmas dog pictures, please share our posts to help more people to laugh at them.
Fleas Navidog
This picture of “Fleas Navidog” has been going around for a while, but I felt that I couldn’t leave it out of this collection of funny dog pictures at Christmas as it’s so cute, and a play on the title of the Hispanic Christmas song “Felix Navidad”.
Anyhow, I thought it’s a good way to get you in the mood for some Christmas merriment, so get that Christmas song into your heads now, and all start singing with me:
“Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad, Prospero año y felicidad”
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, so keep singing, and we will move onto the next picture…
A Dog’s Best Christmas Present
Nowadays you can buy all kinds of fancy gifts for dogs, but have you ever noticed that a dogs favourite toy is often just a stick, and a well chewed one at that!
That is of course, unless they have taken a shine to your new slippers, or your work shoes. One of ours loved to chew CD cases, and another used to love to empty the waste bin in the bathroom and chew up all the tissues, but that’s another story…
The Cat Did It!

Dogs are sometimes guilty of knocking over the Christmas tree, but you know who does it most of the time, the CAT! You may love them (I don’t), but some cats are just evil…
A Dogs Christmas

He Sees You When You’re Eating

That’s one thing that dogs are REALLY good at, sensing whenever there is food around. It’s like they have a sixth sense or something.
My Border Collie / German Shepherd cross used to eat practically anything, but around Christmas his favourite meal was Brussells Sprouts! We used to boil up a pan of them, and they filled his bowl. You should have seen how fast he wolfed them down, he just loved them. Only problem was, they gave him really bad farts. I mean REALLY BAD farts! After he let rip his doggy Brussells Sprouts ones you had to literally evacuate the room.
Freezing Dogs

Not all dogs are equal, especially when it’s freezing outside and the snow is deep.
One place I used to work in Kensington in West London many moons ago, a woman would walk two Daschunds past the office every morning, and with really short legs, their long teets would bounce on the ground with every step. We thought it was funny to watch, but I’m sure the dogs weren’t too happy.
Getting Stuck

I wonder if dogs have ever had this problem? I know it can get so cold that some people are stupid enough to press their tongue on a metal pole to see if it will freeze onto it, and it does, but just imagine taking a leak and suddenly you are welded to the fire hydrant. Eek!
Christmas Tree Puzzles Dog
It must sometimes be really hard being the family dog, when you are not allowed to bring a stick indoors, but the hoomans can bring in a whole tree!