Divorce is never a pleasant subject, but it’s the topic of many jokes and we have a good divorce joke here for you.
So, a man appeared before a judge one day, hoping that he could get a divorce.
The judge quietly reviewed a stack of papers and then asked the man, “Please tell me why you are seeking a divorce”.
“I want a divorce Your Honour”, the man said, “because I live in a two story house”.
The Judge looked perplexed and asked the man, “What kind of a reason is that! What’s the big deal about a two story house?”
The man answered, “Well Judge, one story is… **I have a headache** and the other story is **It’s that time of the month!** “
Come on guys, admit it, you have been there haven’t you!
Image used under a Collective Commons License from: http://www.peakpx.com/428449/brown-and-grey-wooden-2-story-house-with-chimney