The Laughline
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Christmas In The South

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One Christmas Eve, an Englishman went to Alabama as he wanted to experience Christmas in the south.

He was used to the usual white Christmases that you get in England (well if you live in the north of England you do, but that’s another story). What he really wanted to experience was Christmas in a place that wasn’t quite as cold and also was culturally just a little different to what he was used to.

As this was his first visit to the USA, he was amazed at just how culturally different the USA was from England. More than that, he found the accents of many of the people in Alabama hard to understand, even though he had watched countless hours of American shows on television.

But here he was in the deep south and he was really enjoying this once in a lifetime experience.

Wandering around town, the Englishman noticed that there was a beautiful nativity scene set up in the town square.

However, there was something that struck him as being really odd. The wise men were all wearing fire department helmets.

So, the Englishman went into a nearby diner, where the waitress asked him what he would like to order.

He ordered some ribs and hot wings, as you do down South and then he commented to the waitress on the beautiful nativity scene and asked why the wise men were wearing helmets.

The waitress replied, “Boy you must not be from around here and you don’t know yer Bible either. Everyone knows that the wise men came from afar”.

Better if done with a southern accent – Alabama preferred…

And While On The Subject Of Christmas In The South

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Image found on Facebook. Please contact us if you own the copyright

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