Funny Funny Videos

70 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from is our growing collection of Funny Videos, which come in many categories from Bloopers to Television Sketches to Practical Jokes.

Let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good funny video. Here’s hoping you get a good laugh out of them.

Image used under a Collective Commons License from

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Alternative British Airways Commercial

This is a fun You Tube video showing an alternative television commercial for British Airways. This is a really fun parody, I’m sure you remember the original British Airways commercial […]

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Payback For Being Stupid

While there is no cure for stupidity, sometimes there is payback for being stupid and hopefully a lesson learned by this thief who tries to steal a booby-trapped package.

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Farting In A Women’s Toilet

This is a video clip from the Graham Norton Show about farting in a women’s toilet, with the stars of the cop show Cagney & Lacey.  You have to see […]

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The Black Hole

The black hole is a really funny short film, but it also makes you think what if… A sleep-deprived office worker accidentally discovers a black hole and then greed gets […]

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Why Airplanes Have Pillows

This is a brilliant short video about why airplanes have pillows. It’s been a long time since I was on a trip to Brazil. I had even better scenery on […]

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Wife School

Here’s a question for you men. How would you like to improve your life by sending your wife to Wife School? Think of the benefits. You would no longer need […]

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Great Heineken Commercial 2010

This is a great Heineken commercial from 2010 in the UK, but you know some of those old television commercials are the best aren’t they. Back in the day, Heineken […]

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Huge Dead Snake

This huge dead snake is MASSIVE! Watch this funny You Tube snake video and be astounded. Keep watching until the end.