We hope you enjoy this collection of funny Thanksgiving pictures that we have for you. Just to interrupt the fun, we need to say that these pictures came from various […]
Funny Thanksgiving Jokes
5 posts
On Thanksgiving Day everyone thinks of Turkey. When I think of Turkey I think of Breasts! The turkey breast is the best part of the bird after all, it’s juicy […]
Exactly what is Thanksgiving? This is Thanksgiving explained for those who don’t live in the USA and don’t know what it’s all about. Most Americans of course understand the meaning […]
“Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in England?” Being British and while I was living in the USA, every November there would be at least one person who would ask me “Do […]
Thanksgiving comes just once a year, and I guess that’s a good thing because most Thanksgiving jokes are really bad! Here is a selection of some of the worst short […]