Funny Thanksgiving Jokes

5 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from have some great Thanksgiving jokes for you here but unfortunately the one thing you can pretty much guarantee about Thanksgiving jokes is that they are going to be terrible!

This collection has some really bad Thanksgiving Jokes which I am sure you will enjoy as well as groan at. If you do enjoy them, please share our posts with your friends. Happy Turkey Day everyone.

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Image Source: Social Media

Funny Thanksgiving Pictures

We hope you enjoy this collection of funny Thanksgiving pictures that we have for you. Just to interrupt the fun, we need to say that these pictures came from various […]

Image Source: Social Media


On Thanksgiving Day everyone thinks of Turkey. When I think of Turkey I think of Breasts! The turkey breast is the best part of the bird after all, it’s juicy […]

Image Source: Social Media

Thanksgiving Explained

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Do You Celebrate Thanksgiving In England?

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Image used under a Collective Commons License from:

Short Thanksgiving Jokes

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