Funny Southern Jokes

17 posts

We have some great Southern Jokes here for you, and don’t forget to check out our collection of Redneck Jokes as well.

People from the Southern States of the USA not only talk funny, they think funny too and have a different viewpoint on life.

So read on and enjoy this collection of Southern Jokes that we have for you.

Rural Gas Station. Image used under a Collective Commons License from

Rural Gas Station

Billy Bob was filling his pickup truck with gas at a rural gas station. He was in a bit of a hurry and unfortunately when he pulled the nozzle out […]

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Memphis Zoo

A man went on a visit to the Memphis zoo and was admiring a bear that was fast asleep in it’s enclosure. “What kind of bear is that sleeping in […]

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The Watering Hole

One day, Grandma had her grandson Johnny go down to the watering hole to get some water for cooking dinner. As he was dipping the bucket in to fill it […]

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Southern Wife

A Southern wife came home early, just in time to find her husband in the bedroom with another woman, a young woman at that. As the young woman gathered up […]

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Fishing Talk

You know what it’s like when a couple of men go out in their boat. After a while they start on fishing talk, just rambling on, covering practically every subject […]

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Two Southern Women

Two Southern women were having a conversation while sitting on the porch swing of an impressive large Southerm mansion with white pillars at the front. The first woman said, “When […]

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What’s Your Southern Star Sign?

What’s your Southern Star Sign? Really? You are into Astrology and you didn’t know that in the Deep South they have a different set of star signs? Sure they do, […]

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Wooden Leg

An elderly couple recently moved back south to Tennessee from Indiana. The husband had a wooden leg, and to get insurance on it back in Indiana cost them $2,000 per […]

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Girl From Alabama

A girl from Alabama was on a domestic flight across the USA and happened to be seated next to a girl who was from California. The girl from Alabama, being […]

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Alabama Lettuce

A man walked into the produce section of his local supermarket and asked to buy half a head of lettuce. The boy working in that department told him that they […]

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Tennessee Mechanical Engineers

Two Tennessee mechanical engineers, Bubba and Ray, were standing at the base of a flagpole, both looking curiously up towards the sky. A woman walked by and seeing the pair […]