A redneck came home from work one day and found his young wife laying on the couch with a very swollen esophagus and neck and she had a really high […]
Funny Redneck Jokes
A hillbilly couple from the Ozarks, both typical blonde rednecks with hardly a set of teeth between them and a cabin full of kids, decided to go to the doctor […]
A friend of mine who is a Southener told me that he was sick and tired of hearing about how dumb people are in the South and showed me this […]
I guess pretty much everyone has heard of the “You Might Be A Redneck If” jokes, created by Jeff Foxworthy, but have you thought that there are probably just as […]
The top 40 things you would NEVER hear a Redneck say, no matter how much they have had to drink, no matter how far from the South they have wandered […]
Ten Ways To Tell If A Redneck Has Been Using Your Computer The monitor is up on blocks All of My Photos have tobacco stains on them The six front […]
When it comes to etiquette, Martha Stewart knows just about everything there is to know, and then some. So, for your entertainment, we present The Martha Stewart Etiquette Guide For […]
A man from Alabama went to a drug store, walked up to the counter and said to the pharmacist: “I got me a hot date tonight an’ I need me […]
A ventriloquist was performing his act with his dummy in a bar in West Virginia and he was making fun of the rednecks who were in there. Just then, an […]
I guess the last thing you want if you are on trial for murder is to have a redneck juror. A man was on trial for murder in Tennessee and […]
Ah Spring time, and love is in the air. This is a sweet Redneck love poem about Susie Lee from Tennessee: Susie Lee done fell in love;She planned to marry […]
Say what you like, but redneck birth control really is on another level! So, after having their 11th child, a redneck couple decided that they had enough children and it […]