School absence notes from parents! We know children sometimes say or write things that come out all wrong, but as parents you ought to know better and at least be […]
Funny Parenting Jokes
These are a few of the things that my Mother taught me. Thanks Mom, I wouldn’t be who I am without you. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB […]
An eight year old boy was walking down the road one day on the way home from school, when a car pulled over and stopped next to him. The car […]
When our second child was on the way, my wife and I decided to attend an ante-natal class that was aimed at couples who had already had at least one […]
I’m pretty sure that most parents can relate to this. Hands up if you are a parent and hands up again if you can relate to the following story. I […]
A man was observing a woman who was grocery shopping in the local supermarket with a three year old girl in her shopping cart. As they passed the cookie section, […]
In the middle of the night a wife woke up to find her husband standing over the bay crib in their baby’s nursery. She watched him silently as he stood […]
Many parents in America today think that it is improper to spank their children. Instead, they think it’s better to show them some “tough love” and to teach them a […]