Funny General Jokes

115 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from: to our huge collection of General Jokes, which are jokes and funny stories that don’t fall into any other category.

Oh wait! You didn’t come here looking for jokes about Generals did you? Despite what it might sound like, “General Jokes” have absolutely nothing to do with the military! If you are looking for jokes about the Army, Navy or Air Force, take a look at our Military Jokes category.

This is a selection of jokes, funny stories and other miscellaneous funny tidbits that just don’t fit into any specific category.

We have a huge collection of these and we hope you enjoy them. Please share if you do.

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Only An Englishman Would Understand

This is a short joke that really only an Englishman would understand, in particular a Geordie: So, a Geordie bloke goes into the hairdressers and asks “Can I have a […]

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Bank Robbery

A man pulled a balaclava over his head and went into a bank, aiming to commit a bank robbery. The robber went straight up to one of the cashiers, pulled […]

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The Longest Joke In The World

This has to absolutely positively be the longest joke in the world and by a long way too. So please bear with me as the story unravels and enjoy… Our story […]

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Italian Dinner

One evening, two vampires decided that what they would really like was an Italian Dinner. They had been sitting around their castle in Transylvania talking about how they were tired […]

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Fishing Pole

A woman is out shopping, and goes into Walmart to buy a fishing pole for her husband. She doesn’t know which one to get, so she just grabs one off […]

Image Source: Zazzle

Bumper Stickers You Would Love To See

These are some bumper stickers that I am sure you would love to see: Jesus loves you – but everyone else thinks you are an ass. The proctologist called – […]