Funny Gambling Jokes

12 posts

Image used under a Collective Commons License from is our collection of Gambling Jokes, dedicated to those who gamble in the attempt to earn a large fortune and often lose a small fortune in the attempt.

The world of gambling, whether it’s poker, roulette or just playing the one armed bandits, provides a wealth of funny stories, many of which have an element of truth to them. We hope you enjoy this selection of the best funny gambling jokes.

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The Ugliest Wife

So, there were these three men, sitting at a bar, arguing as to which one had the ugliest wife. Yes I know, it’s one of those male chauvenist jokes ladies, […]

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To Win The Lottery

I would love to win the lottery, wouldn’t you? Can you imagine checking your lottery ticket to find that you were a millionaire? I have often wondered what I would […]

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The Las Vegas Strip

A man frantically rushed out from a hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip and stopped the first pedestrian that he saw. The man related a tremendously tearful story […]

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Internal Revenue Service Audit

Benjamin arrived for his Internal Revenue Service audit, accompanied by another man. Going over his tax records, the IRS official said, “Well sir, it appears that you have been living […]

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A Week In Las Vegas

Three friends decided to take their wives on vacation for a week in Las Vegas. The week flew by and they all had a great time. After they returned home […]

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The Roulette Table

Two croupiers are sitting looking rather bored at the roulette table in the casino. Up to now it’s been a fairly quiet afternoon at their table, when suddenly a very […]

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A lady was having a bad day at the roulette tables at a casino in Las Vegas. Luck had definitely not been on her side that day and she was […]

Beer Ale. Image Used Under A Collective Commons License from:

I Bet You $100

Two men were drinking in a bar, when one turned to the other and said, “I bet you $100 that I can bite my eye”. The second man thought to […]

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A man walked into a bar one day, with a little turtle in his hand. The poor little turtle was a sorry sight to behold. His one eye was black […]

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I Won The Lottery

“I Won The Lottery!” Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you won the lottery? You checked your lottery ticket, found that every number on your ticket […]

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New York Lottery Winner

A man from New York won the lottery big time, overnight he became a millionaire many times over. He had always loved the old Western movies, and had always dreamed […]